Batman is a
n American tv series aired from 1966 to 1968 based on the
famous DC comic book character
Batman. A vigilante in bat-themed costume
, Batman fights criminals in the fictional
Gotham City, assisted by his sidekick
Robin and his butler
Alfred Pennyworth. His secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a wealthy
industrialist, playboy, and philanthropist.
The live-action show was extraordinarily popular. At the height of its popularity, it was the only prime time
tv show
to be broadcast twice
a week as part of its regular schedule
. Each storyline w
as often filmed
in two-par
ts, beginning on
the first episode and ending on the
Many sports, music, media
, and Hollywood personalities looked forward to and enjoyed their appearances as villains on the
Batman tv show. They were generally allowed to overact and enjoy themselves on a high-rated
tv series, guaranteeing them considerable exposure
, thus boosting their careers
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The dynamic duel batman and robin the batman 1960's is my my favorite tv show series since when I was a kid.
When I was a kid I was fun of watching Batman Shows.Good you have some article about it.
Celebrity Gossip
what i remember about this was the comic effect. . kabusshh. .. kapowww. . toink!
What's with the HyperWebEnable dude here, Robin is gay
Men in tights! That's enough to make me watch.